Introducing Yourself

Hello! My name is Ana. I am twenty-five years old. I live in Miami, Florida with my husband and two children. I have one son in kindergarten and one daughter in first grade. They both attend public school. My husband is a mechanic. On weekends, he works at a restaurant as a dishwasher. The restaurant usually gets more customers on weekends, so they need extra people to wash dishes.

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Ana. Tengo veinticinco años. Vivo en Miami, Florida con mi esposo y dos hijos. Tengo un hijo en kínder y una hija en primer grado. Ambos van a una escuela pública. Mi esposo es mecánico. Los fines de semana, él trabaja en un restaurante lavando platos. El restaurante usualmente tiene más clientes los fines de semana, entonces necesitan gente extra para lavar platos.


My name is Sangeeta. I am 11 years old. I live in New Delhi, India with my father, mother, two brothers and three sisters. My grandparents also live with us. In India, family is very important. It is common to have grandparents, aunts, uncles and/or cousins living in the same house. My aunts, uncles and cousins also live nearby. We see each other often. My older brother is a computer programmer. Right now, he is in Australia. His company sent him there for one year. We all miss him a lot. We write him letters every week. I want him to come home soon.


Carolina writes an email to her friend about work:

"Hi Cristina, I am sorry I haven’t called you for so long. How are you? How is your new apartment? I have been very busy at work. I arrive at the office at 7 am and leave at around 6:30 pm. I just get half an hour for lunch and a five-minute break in the morning and in the afternoon. I am very tired when I get home so I just eat, watch some television and go to bed. In the office, I am on the phone all day, listening to customer complaints and entering them into our computer system. At the end of the day I have to write a summary of all the calls I received during the day and give my boss a status on the complaints that are not yet resolved. I do not know how much longer I can do this. I need a vacation, or even better, I need another job! I’ll call you this weekend.



About me.

Soy docente  de Inglés en los grados  primero ,cuarto y quinto.


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